Letters and Tributes

What is the Measure of a Man? 

A Tribute to Bishop Julius | Pastor Chris Kawa

Answers to this question abound, but thinking clearly about the issue is a worthy exercise. If we fail to do so, we forfeit the opportunity to mine the untold riches found in the lives of truly great men. 

Bishop Julius was a great man. 

In any attempt to measure the greatness of men, the discussion begins and ends with Jesus Christ. 

Paul alludes to this reality in Ephesians 4, when he exhorts leaders to equip the saints toward mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Wow! In other words, Christlikeness is the truest measure and highest standard of the greatness for which every person must strive. 

Perhaps the most noteworthy honor I can bestow upon my friend and fellow minister of the gospel is one that is often overlooked. He was a Christian who thought, spoke, lived, and loved like a Christian. 

In a world desperately in need of men who reflect the manhood of Jesus in any measure, Bishop Julius mirrored the character of his Lord more clearly and consistently than nearly any man I have ever known. 

As a leader, he was a visionary who planted churches, launched ministries, provided opportunities for others to proclaim the gospel and humbly served his community by caring for the most needy and vulnerable. Bishop was a brilliant man, who like his Lord, never felt the need to remind you of that fact. 

As a husband and father, he stood out in a culture where faithful men are few and far between. He and Mama Phides made a passionate and formidable team. Bishop’s family stands out as a model of integrity, ingenuity, thoughtfulness, mutual edification, and sacrificial love. He was not only a father to his extraordinary children, he, like his God, was a father to the fatherless and a defender of widows. 

As a man, he was warm and engaging. To be in the presence of Bishop Julius and his wife, Phides, is to be in the presence of family. They are gracious and gregarious. They laugh hard and often. They exude the joy of the Lord more freely and fully than any people 

I’ve ever encountered. For well over a decade, it’s been impossible to interact with either of them and not smile, every time, without exception. 

What is the measure of a man? It is the degree to which he reflects the character of the Lord Jesus Christ in every aspect of his life. By this standard, Bishop Julius stood a head taller than nearly all other men. 

I thank God for the privilege of knowing such a man. His life and legacy are not only encouraging, but inspiring. May God raise up many other men like him. I’ll miss you, my brother and friend. I have no doubt you and Jesus are laughing together even now. 

To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen. 

Beloved Family and Friends,

I’ll never forget meeting Bishop Julius the first time in 2010 with the team from River Oaks Community Church as we traveled from Maryville, TN to Nairobi, Kenya to meet our new church partner. The dirt road leading us to the small church in Syokimau was so bumpy that our driver called the journey an “African Massage.” This trip marked the beginning of a beautiful World Orphans church partnership where many vulnerable families and children have been cared for and impacted by the love of the church.

Our team was filled with anticipation. Bishop Julius, his wife (Phides), and several young children were awaiting our arrival at Fountain of Hope Church and Ministries (FHCM). The greeting then and with every annual visit, for fourteen years, has always been the same! “Bwana Asifiwe – Karibu Sana – Bwana Asifiwe – Karibu Sana” (Praise the Lord, you are so welcome – Praise the Lord, you are so welcome). Those were the first Swahili words I learned, and even now, I can still hear Bishop’s voice, picture his warm smile, and feel his familial handshake.

If I’m honest, when I first received the call from Mom Phides that Bishop had suddenly passed away, I was in shock. We had just finalized the itinerary for our upcoming visit which was just weeks away. His family was in the middle of preparing the details for his retirement and 70th birthday celebration in October. Tragically, he passed away from a brief illness following a work trip. His sudden departure was a profound loss in that no one was able to say goodbye. On the day of his passing, he complained of shortness of breath and was immediately rushed to the hospital where he was sadly pronounced dead upon arrival. 

Bishop Julius Kaia Kilungo, PhD was a beacon of faith, family, and intellect. He was affectionately known as Bishop, Daktari, Daddy, and Babu. He was a man who mirrored the character of Christ in all aspects of his life. He was a devoted husband and father; he was a pillar of strength for his family, a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, and a mentor and friend to many. He was never too busy to be found kicking a soccer ball around in his Sunday best with the kids.

There are too many memories to mention here, but one that stands out is Bishop playing soccer with the kids after church. I loved watching him. In play and in work, Bishop’s life message was the same—work hard, make the sacrifice, do your best, grow in the Lord, trust God, and run in such a way as to get the prize. (1 Corinthians 9:24) 

Bishop’s legacy is pages and even books long, but one of the single most impactful moments for me was hearing his personal story over a shared meal. As I sipped my favorite Kenyan soft drink (Stoney), he shared about how the intentional love and specific investment from someone in his childhood was used to change his life and forge his pathway forward. What I’ll always remember from our conversation that day and is still etched in my mind is when he said, “It just takes one person to believe and invest in you, Kathy.” He was a man of humble beginnings and deep faith in God. He grew through sheer determination to become a leader in his community and beyond. He was a pastor, a tireless advocate for agriculture sharing his passion far and wide, and he was a trusted friend.

Bishop Julius could be found in a prominent position with USAID, teaching Agricultural Economics in Kenya Universities around the world, and he could be found at the church mentoring and providing care for vulnerable children, just the same. The children who have grown up under his leadership have been given a rare gift. They have been fathered, loved, mentored, and exhorted to live a life worthy of the calling in Christ Jesus (2 Thessalonians 1:11). 

I recently returned from our scheduled partnership trip where we spent time grieving with our Kenyan family. Though Bishop wasn’t there to greet us upon our arrival, his legacy and love will live on. Our time together was precious as we shared many tears and fondly remembered the love and legacy of our beloved Bishop. God is truly near to the broken hearted and crushed in spirit, and he is near to each one who is grieving so great a loss. God is our comforter and our strength in times of weakness, and he is our comforter even now. 

Clearly, Bishop Julius did not build a kingdom for himself. He sowed into building God’s Kingdom through his specific influence and sacrificial investment. Bishop, you have been a loving husband, father, and friend… and, truly—I would like to look just like you when I grow up. 

Your sister and eternal friend in Christ, 

Kathy Davis 

“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” Isaiah 1:17 NIV

From the moment I met Bishop Julius in 2008, it was clear he took these words from the prophet Isaiah to heart; they have been evident throughout his ministry. His sense of justice combined with a gentle and humble spirit made him one of the most unique and effective pastors and leaders I have known. Families have been preserved and strengthened, children have been given hope, love and a future, because of his faithfulness and compassion. Bishop Julius most certainly heard these words as he joined Jesus in glory, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21) 

Friends and family, we mourn with you the loss of your husband, father, pastor, leader, and friend. We also celebrate a life well lived. We are honored to be your partner in ministry, and we stand with you during this challenging time. On behalf of the staff, board of directors, and supporters of World Orphans, we extend our deepest condolences. 

May God’s perfect grace bring you peace. 

Scott Vair 
World Orphans

This article was originally published in the World Orphans Fall Insight Magazine 2024.