A Current of Light

by: Mary Priscilla | India Country Director & Becky Knott | Church Partnership Director Driving around the hectic streets in one of the most populous cities in India, one can feel a heaviness in the air. Smog hangs overhead. Trash fills the streets. Beggars...

Salting Our World

Written by Bailey Kalvelage • Director of Mobilization“You are the salt of the earth…. You are the light of the world…” These familiar words found in Matthew 5:13-16 had my ears perked as I listened in church last Sunday. I’ve heard this passage so many times,...

Bethel Gospel Farm Helps Community

By Scott Vair | Vice President of ProjectsI recently traveled to India to visit one of our church partners who has a great vision for church planting and orphan care. They are also committed to finding ways to help their ministries become self-sustainable through...

Bethel Gospel Farm Helps Community

By Scott Vair | Vice President of ProjectsI recently traveled to India to visit one of our church partners who has a great vision for church planting and orphan care. They are also committed to finding ways to help their ministries become self-sustainable through...