By Mike Krick | Sr. Director of Advocacy

I had the opportunity to meet Greg Gentry and his wife, Amy, at our World Orphans staff retreat earlier in the year. They were prayerfully considering what Greg might do post-retirement from the military. Orphan care had been on their hearts for quite some time, and they had adopted twice from China.

World Orphans interviewed Greg, and we liked what he had to offer. Funny thing is, we liked what Amy had to offer as well. Two for one! Greg attended our staff retreat earlier this year, before he had made a decision…sort of interviewing all of us! Watching him relate with our team for those three days assured me he would be a great fit.

I just returned from Nicaragua with Greg and am even more encouraged and excited about his involvement with World Orphans. He is passionate about children, passionate about the church, and desires to make a Kingdom difference.

Greg writes about his second adoption this way:

“We decided to step out in faith and adopt a child with medical special needs.  Her name is Chloe and we were matched with her on the day I deployed to Afghanistan.

While deployed, Amy would forward me pictures of Chloe sent by the orphanage. Almost always pictured with her were two of her friends, named Noah and Rhys. Every time the pictures would arrive, I enjoyed seeing these two boys nearly as much as Chloe. Half way around the world, Amy was developing the same affection for these boys. As we prepared for our trip to pick up Chloe, Amy and I decided to inquire about Noah and Rhys to see if there was a possibility of bringing them home as well.

As it turned out, Noah and Rhys are trafficked children. They were kidnapped as toddlers and were to be sold, but the Chinese police broke up the trafficking ring, and when the parents could not be found, they were turned over to an orphanage to be cared for. Because of this status, they are deemed by the government as un-adoptable (both locally and internationally).  There are millions of children in similar or worse situations throughout the world. Many will never break free of a life of poverty, crime, or slavery and millions will never hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. My heart breaks for these children and I know that God has called me to do more.”

As a military member for 24 years, Greg has the opportunity to continue serving his country by doing a number of different things, in a number of different locations, with a very comfortable salary. He is taking the road less travelled, and doing what is “crazy” in his colleagues’ eyes, but doing what is righteous in God’s eyes.

As Greg joins World Orphans as a Director of Advocacy in Colorado, I am excited and proud to serve alongside him. Welcome aboard Greg…and Amy!