By Alan Hunt | Vice-President of Advocacy

A little over three years ago, I received this email from Holly Glenn:

Hi Alan,

We met at CAFO Summit on the last day (I’m sure you remember me…hehehe). I am trying to start an Orphans Ministry at Pantego Bible Church here in Ft. Worth TX. I have been fasting and praying since the conference about direction and wisdom, and I can’t seem to get your organization out of my mind. I was just wondering if I could get with you and find out how you can help me (that sounds SO selfish). Hopefully in the end we can help y’all. I just need to talk through some things. Would that be possible?

What followed this email is a journey that only God could have orchestrated. As Holly learned to speak, advocate, and cast vision about the global plight of the orphan and the responsibility of the church to respond, she gently but consistently encouraged her church leadership to consider the World Orphans model and strategy for orphan care. Over a period of time, a trip to Ethiopia, and numerous meetings with pastors and elders at her church, she led the way to a Church-to-Church partnership as a World Orphans volunteer advocate while continuing her job as a full-time police officer in Arlington, Texas.

When Holly makes up her mind about something that God has prompted her to do, don’t mess with her! That became evident as she and her husband, Kevin, embarked on a journey that necessitated Holly to live in Ethiopia for nearly three months to finalize their adoption of Sahara.

Along this journey, God began speaking to Holly about a job change, and after prayerful consideration and the support of a loving husband and church community, Holly gave notice to the police department that she dearly loved and stepped out in faith to go through staff training and begin the process of raising support for her position as a Director of Advocacy for our ministry.

Now I’m not a betting man, but if I were, I would bet that Holly will continue to move forward in obedience to God’s call on her life. Please join us in prayer for Holly, Kevin, and Sahara as Holly prepares to join our staff.