Name and position with World Orphans..

Rick and Phyllis LaBranche: Ethiopia Country Director and Guesthouse Manager.

What attracted you to your current position?

The Lord led us into a joint ministry of hospitality while we were serving with Africa Inland Mission at Rift Valley Academy from 2004-2008. We had hosted a work team from one of our supporting churches and discovered an incredible passion connecting people from two worlds for the love of God. World Orphans was a natural fit for us as we have lived our lives fostering, adopting and caring for orphans.

Where do you live and who do you live with?

Our permanent address is in New Hampshire. We have one teenager left at home with us. She’s the last of six. The three of us will be leaving for Ethiopia in August.

List three unique experiences in your life.

Rick: I am on my third career. We lived and worked in the bush for a year. We adopted internationally.

Phyllis: When I was in my 20’s we fostered at risk teens while raising toddlers. Then I went to school and graduated with a MSW at age 46. I have seen mountains move.

What hobbies do you enjoy?

Rick: Working on cars, helping others.

Phyllis: Gardening, cooking, decorating, creating, writing, reading, conversation.

Other than the Bible [duh] what is the best thing you read in the last year?

Rick: Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan

Phyllis: Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard Foster

One thing you always have on your person is…?

Rick: NOT my license.

Phyllis: Money.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Rick: Africa

Phyllis: at the coast, any coast…there’s just something about where land meets sea.


Follow the LaBranches on Twitter at: @labranche603.

Read the LaBranche’s blog at:

“Meet the Team” is a weekly blog series showcasing the people who make up the World Orphans team. Every Thursday morning, grab a cup of coffee and meet another team member who is using their unique talents and gifts to care for orphans and strengthen churches in the U.S. and abroad.