Name and position with World Orphans..

Lori Resmer, Director of Journey 117.

What attracted you to your current position?

God has given me a passion for missions mobilization. I love to journey with people from the beginning of their calling to serve and help catapult them into the place that God is calling them to go. It normally requires a lot of faith to take these steps, so it is such a joy to link arms with someone and empower and equip them to take venture out into the unknown. Journey 117 allows me to do this and work with individuals all across the States who are discovering their role in ministry and orphan advocacy.

Where do you live and who do you live with?

I currently live in Denver, Colorado with my amazing husband, Jeremy, and my newborn son, Justice. Later this year we will be moving to Tennessee to finalize our adoption and welcome two more babies from the Congo into our family.

If you could give your 18-year old self one piece of advice what would it be?

Don’t grow up too fast and make decisions that you could potentially regret for the rest of your life! Be wise and prayerfully seek God’s heart for your life. Don’t think you have this whole thing figured out now – you’re young and have MUCH to discover about life, relationships, the world and your calling.

List three unique experiences in your life.

1. I met my husband while serving in a very remote area of Kenya.

2. I flew around the world on my first overseas mission trip…literally.

3. I have horrible knees: I have torn my ACL 3 times. The most recent time was on the slopes in Steamboat Springs on the day that my husband had arranged to propose to me. Instead, I tore my ACL again and we ended up in the hospital before he had the chance to pop the big question.

What hobbies do you enjoy?

I enjoy playing sports such as basketball, softball and Ultimate Frisbee. Love being outdoors when I get the chance to do things such as hiking and camping. I love to travel and experience the world’s various cultures. I also love to sing (even though it’s just a “joyful noise”) and play the guitar.

Describe yourself in three words.

Passionate. Adventurous. Sarcastic.

One thing you always have on your person is…?

My iPhone.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Africa – love that place and hope to one day do life there with my husband and kiddos.

Follow Lori on Twitter at: @loriresmer.

Read Lori’s blog at:

“Meet the Team” is a weekly blog series showcasing the people who make up the World Orphans team. Every Thursday morning, grab a cup of coffee and meet another team member who is using their unique talents and gifts to care for orphans and strengthen churches in the U.S. and abroad.