By Jacques Sadie | Nicaragua Country Director

In February, my wife and I led a team from two churches in Missouri to visit their church partner, Verbo Bluefields, in the town of Bluefields on Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast. This partnership started taking shape when Pastor Ed from Verbo Bluefields met Pastors Jim and Bob from Missouri on a visit to Nicaragua in 2010. A visit to Bluefields followed in April 2011, with the two pastors being joined by five of their church members. This time around, there were 15 people on the team, coming to see and learn about Bluefields and to share in the great work that God is doing through His church here.

Pastor Ed and his church are doing an amazing work in caring for the vulnerable and orphaned children of this community, specifically through a Christian school, a feeding program, and Sunday school classes. For many years, they have also had the vision of building a children’s home for those who live in horrible circumstances, or worse, have no refuge. When Pastor Ed first met with Pastors Jim and Bob, he was able to share this vision with them, and they were excited to help Verbo Bluefields make it happen.

Now this vision is under construction–the foundation for the home has been laid, and the walls are going up a little higher every day. And, even though no children live there yet, it has already been of benefit to the community by giving nine local construction workers regular employment. There is another vision under construction here–the vision of partnering churches with each other. It is a remarkable thing to see churches working together well, whether from the same community or across the world. These churches are joining hands to share not only resources, but LIFE! John 13:35 tells us that this is how the world will know that we are Jesus’ disciples, “if you (we) love one another.”