Name and position with World Orphans. 

Kate Borders, Senior Projects Director.

What attracted you to your current position?

I have totally grown into my position – it’s completely different than what I was doing when I first came on board.

Where do you live and who do you live with?

My husband and I, and our 8 month old daughter, live with my grandmother in her home in Rutherford, NJ (not far from Manhattan).

List three unique experiences in your life.

1. I spent a semester living out of a tent studying in Tanzania.

2. One summer I lived with missionaries in the Middle East.

3. I spent a month backpacking around Europe.

What hobbies do you enjoy?

I love to be outside. Hiking, backpacking, reading, playing the violin, riding my motorcycle and drinking coffee – if that can be a hobby 🙂

One thing you always have on your person is…?


If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

A villa in the wine country of Italy.

Follow Kate on Twitter at: @kateborders.

Read Kate’s blog at:

“Meet the Team” is a weekly blog series showcasing the people who make up the World Orphans team. Every Thursday morning, grab a cup of coffee and meet another team member who is using their unique talents and gifts to care for orphans and strengthen churches in the U.S. and abroad.