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Stories of Hope

Last year, 9,587 orphans, widows, refugees, and vulnerable families were impacted by the ministry of World Orphans.


Martha, a 75-year-old widow in Kenya, awakens to another day of chronic arthritic pain and the familiar cries of hungry children. She slowly pulls herself out of bed to harvest a few vegetables from her small garden. She sells produce to her neighbors in an effort to feed her precious family. Martha has been shouldering the heavy burden of care for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the absence of their parents who have left the area to find work. Martha is a strong, resilient woman. Though she suffers with severe arthritis, she is devoted to the care of her family and the promise of God to supply all of her needs. So, she begins her day whispering a prayer as she entrusts the day’s needs to the Lord. Given that she is a devoted member, Fountain of Hope (FOH) Church quickly recognized her need and stepped in to assist with food and practical care for two of her grandchildren. 

Now I can Help My Family.

“It has been in my mind to sew for some time, but I never had the chance to do it until this class opened up for us. Now I can help my family and some other families in the village. Thank you, World Orphans!”

— A refugee woman in Iraq

Eglise de Dieu de la Bible was always there for me.

World Orphans and our partners have done so much, my words are not enough to express my gratitude. Thank you to our partners who paid all my school fees, paid my medical expenses, and gave me a food kit every month. I cannot name everything I have benefited from World Orphans. As a child with no biological parents, the HBC program provided for me what my parents should have. World Orphans and Eglise de Dieu de la Bible was always there for me.”
— Eldine (age 19), Haiti

Relationship over resources.

“Our partnership has shattered the idea that resources are more valuable than relationships. The giving of ourselves in prayerful support and regular visits has created more enthusiasm and confidence in our partner church, as well as comradery than any material item we may have sent or built while there.”
— Pastor Chris Demott, Reed City Church of the Nazarene, MI