by: Mike Krick | Sr. Director of Strategic Partnerships

In the last quarter of 2019, I began fully assembling the plan for my department for 2020. I spent several days planning and budgeting as well as a bit of time with Danielle, who serves as World Orphans Events Coordinator, brainstorming what we wanted to do, and how and when we were going to do it. After years of trying several different types of events, we felt like we had landed on what we do best; gathering small groups of people for the purpose of intentional worship (loving God), and World Orphans vision casting (loving others). These events have not only encouraged and inspired those who attend, but have helped us generate hundreds of thousands of dollars for the ministry of World Orphans, enabling us to help serve vulnerable families in some of the most impoverished countries in the world.

Although we planned other events as well, the majority of our plan was partnering with our good friend from Northern Ireland, Aaron Boyd. Many of you have had the opportunity to meet Aaron and hear his passion for Jesus and his desire to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children. His story is captivating, his passion is contagious, and he has been a great partner to World Orphans. He is an anointed worship leader, and we had 60-80 worship events planned for 2020 with Aaron alone.

And then, COVID-19….

The year 2020 quickly became a year of changing plans, postponing events, and then ultimately canceling everything we had worked so hard to plan and book. It was a year full of discouragement, weariness, and frustration. It was a year of loss as many of us walked through the loss of family members, friends, or perhaps a job. It truly was a year of darkness for many. For our event planning specifically, it was a loss of one of the things we love to do the most. We love these nights of worship. We love being on the road with Aaron. We love being with our donors and churches who play such a significant role in helping us do what we do. However, we could not get Aaron to the United States, plus having any sort of event would have been challenging regardless.

And then, God…

What blew me away was that in spite of our best plans being canceled, God was faithful. This should not surprise me. Although there was disappointment with not getting to do what we love to do, what we did or did not do ultimately did not matter. We are not in control, and I was reminded of that yet again. We finished 2020 with a strong year of giving and it had very little to do with our efforts and everything to do with God’s faithfulness.

The year 2021 was a very similar experience as, once again, we had to postpone and cancel events. However, we gradually began to see a light at the end of the dark tunnel. Hudson Taylor, the 19th century missionary to China once said, “God’s will, done God’s way, will never lack God’s provision.” This quote is a great reminder to me that even my best plans and efforts will not always line up with what God has in store. He is the best planner, the best provider. He is good and he is sovereign.

And then, again, God…

After nearly two years of not being able to get Aaron back to the states to do events, he was able to come in December to help us finish the year strong. We had two weeks of events in Colorado, Tennessee, Ohio, and Michigan. If you were able to attend, you experienced incredible worship. You experienced the Spirit at work. You experienced light overcoming darkness. We finished 2021 with our strongest giving ever, as our stakeholders continue to make an impact through giving. And, this year God chose to involve us more significantly in his masterful plan. It was truly a joy to be together with people again, to worship with Aaron again, and to be a part of what God created us to do.

I love to worship. One of the songs that has been influential for me this year is called “Way Maker” by Leeland. I encourage you to listen to the song, but for the time being, consider the lyrics to the chorus: “You are / Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper / Light in the darkness, my God / That is who You are.”

That is exactly who God was to me throughout the past two years. He made a way! He miraculously provided! He continued to keep his promises! And, he truly was the light in what has been a dark and dreary season. 

In the live version of the song, Joshua Leeland sings out about the name of Jesus being “above.” Above depression. Above loneliness. Above disease. Above cancer. Above every other name. For me, God proved over and over again that the name of Jesus is above COVID-19. What has he been above for you this year?