In June the first World Orphans Church team traveled from Arkansas to Haiti to meet their Haitian Church partner.
The Titus Task is a foundation that was started by Lori and Noel Tugwell to raise awareness about orphans and vulnerable children in Haiti.

Lori and Noel committed their foundation to support the work of Mission Eglise Baptiste Chretienne D’Haiti. MEBCH is one of ten churches that are participating in the World Orphans “Orphans and Vulnerable Children Program.”

Lori and Noel recruited a team of thirteen compassionate individuals, representing four different Arkansas churches, including a doctor, two nurses, a physical therapist, and a pastor.

On day one The Titus Task Team provided medical care for 78 children and 12 chronically ill adults at a medical outreach event organized and held right at the church.

Numerous families in the surrounding community brought their children to the church for medical attention.

Day two was on a Sunday and the partners praised and worshiped together. Pastor Sean from Arkansas preached and afterward the entire church enjoyed a wonderful Haitian lunch together.

On day three the team distributed water filters to the families of the 20 children participating in the OVC program as they visited the children in their neighborhood. Most all the families of the 20 OVC children are living in makeshift tents and structures built out of scrap wood and tin.

Few have electricity and none had running water. These home visits had a significant impact on the Titus Team as they saw first -hand the living conditions of these precious children.

This team is the first to go and serve with their Haitian partner church and numerous other teams will be following in their footsteps in the coming weeks and months.