Name and position with World Orphans.

Jacque & Amanda Sadie, Nicaragua Country Directors

What attracted you to your current position?

Amanda – I visited Nicaragua for the first time in 2001 and lived there from 2004-2006. Nicaragua and its people have always been on my heart since that first visit. I was excited to return to the country where we work alongside the local churches, helping empower them to care for the vulnerable children in their communities.

Where do you live and who do you live with?

Jacques – I live in Managua, the capitol city of Nicaragua, with my wife Amanda, and some ants.

Describe yourself in three words.

Amanda – Practical, competitive, compassionate.

List three unique experiences in your life.


1. I had the second toe on my left foot shortened (joint removal) when I was 16, because it grew too far past my big toe and I had a lot of trouble wearing shoes.

2. I almost drowned when I was 17, and to this day I have an unhealthy respect for the ocean.

3. I grew up in Cape Town, South Africa, during both Apartheid and the post-Apartheid era.

Other than the Bible [duh] what is the best thing you read in the last year.

Amanda – The Hunger Games

One thing you always carry on your person is …

Jacques – A few cordobas (Nica money).

Meet the Team is a weekly blog series showcasing the people who make up the World Orphans team. Every Thursday morning, grab a cup of coffee and meet another team member who is using their unique talents and gifts to care for orphans and strengthen churches in the U.S. and abroad.