at world orphans, We believe in God's design

Children belong in families.

The World Orphans model of care equips the local church to come alongside vulnerable families, empowering them and providing wholistic care for their children.

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Who We Are

World Orphans is Preserving and Empowering Families

What we do

Our Home Based Care program focuses on family preservation through addressing and preventing the rise of the orphan population by caring for children in their home environments. 

Why we do it

Most children living in orphanages have at least one living parent. At World Orphans, working together, we help keep families together, strengthen them, and help them toward independence. 

How it works

Through church partnership we come alongside local churches to provide support for vulnerable families and children within their communities. 


Learn about the countries where we work and the ways our model of care is serving each community.



At World Orphans, our Economic Empowerment program creates a space for artisans to contribute by using their God-given talents and abilities. We believe that building stronger families and improving quality of life begins with recognizing that every person is created with purpose, value, and possesses intrinsic dignity.

By purchasing a one-of-a-kind, handmade item from the World Orphans Market, you are helping preserve families, keeping children out of orphanages, and empowering families to thrive.

My life is improving constantly.

“The monthly support means a lot for my life. I remember serving my kids dry corn, not even with oil; now I can cook good food for them and send them with a lunchbox.
— Zewditu, Ethiopia

A Good Chance for me to help my family.

“I am very thankful to World Orphans for opening this sewing class for us, especially during this hard time of the COVID-19 pandemic as my husband has lost his job. It is a good chance for me to help my family. Again and again we thank World Orphans.”
— A refugee woman in Iraq

Eglise de Dieu de la Bible was always there for me.

World Orphans and our partners have done so much, my words are not enough to express my gratitude. Thank you to our partners who paid all my school fees, paid my medical expenses, and gave me a food kit every month. I cannot name everything I have benefited from World Orphans. As a child with no biological parents, the HBC program provided for me what my parents should have. World Orphans and Eglise de Dieu de la Bible was always there for me.”
— Eldine (age 19), Haiti

Relationship over resources.

“Our partnership has shattered the idea that resources are more valuable than relationships. The giving of ourselves in prayerful support and regular visits has created more enthusiasm and confidence in our partner church, as well as comradery than any material item we may have sent or built while there.”
— Pastor Chris Demott, Reed City Church of the Nazarene, MI